Fear and Mommy Blogs

Anyone who knows me (or has been in earshot of one of my rants) knows that I have this unbelievable fear of having children. This subject tends to come up regularly in conversation. It must be my internal biological clock that seems to have gotten stuck somewhere back in the 1800's, and lately it's been telling me to seriously think about lending my body to further the human population. I can't help it, when I see a baby I practically start to drool. But let's face it, I still laugh at fart jokes and enjoy obnoxiously loud bars way too much to even consider giving into maternal instinct right now. Let me make it clear in saying that it's not the actual child rearing I fear, it's the nine month incubation part that scares the bejeezus out of me. I have even gone as far as lining up my own surrogate, who happens to be one of my best friends in the world. We'll work out the logistics later.

With that said, in the regular fashion of being a constant contradiction, I admit to myself and cyberspace that I have an addiction to Mommy Blogs. Phew, feels good to get that out. Mommy Blogs you say? What are those? Well everyone, they are my own personal form of heroin. Consequently, they also happen to be the most talked about marketing segment in the advertising industry (the other love of my life). Who knew that my little guilty pleasure would turn out to be such an awesome marketing tool? I never used to subscribe to the idea of reading the everyday toils of the lives of strangers, but there is something about the inner monologue of a woman juggling the life of mother, wife and career aficionado in today's world that is so damn fascinating.

So there it is, one item on the ever-growing bucket list: my secret desire to one day be a bad-ass mommy blogger. One day I can only hope that my little piece of cyber real estate will be filled with anecdotes of my hilarious offspring (crossing my fingers for YouTube sensation material, but that is a story for another day) and how I'm able to do it all and still be madly in love with my life.

One can dream, right? Always a constant contradiction.

Peace and love.
